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Locals Only - Beer and Locality

Date: Monday, October 23rd, 2023

Time: 6pm-9pm

Location: The Hop Shop


A discussion on local malt, local ingredients, and brewing philosophy. Featuring beer and guest speakers from Southern Strain Brewing,

Free Range Brewing, Protagonist Beer, and

Epiphany Craft Malt. 

10-15 min presentation by each guest speaker discussing their history in the brewing industry, view on local ingredients, how they incorporate local ingredients into their products, where they purchase their ingredients, benefits, challenges, etc

Local Beer made with Local Malt will be available!

This is a free event!

Keep it Yeasty!

Date: Saturday, October 28th, 2023

Time: 2pm-6pm

Location: Pilot Brewing


Learn about Yeast with White Labs!

White Labs Yeast company will be teaming up with Pilot Brewing to showcase their yeast!

A special beer will be brewed and separated into two batches, each fermented with a different Wheat Ale strain to showcase the differences between an American Wheat beer and a German Hefeweizen.


Show up anytime during the event to meet White Labs, try the beers, and learn more about yeast and fermentation!

This is a free event!

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